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The Trust Fall

I was in the 4th Grade when our class went on an overnight camping trip.  You see, I grew up with a single parent who worked full-time, so outings, like camping, was never on the radar.  But I digress.  We did so many things at camp that I will never forget, like picked and ate edible plants in the woods.  (You know how much I like eating, so this was a winning activity in my book!)

Another activity was the Trust Fall.  We took turns standing on a wall about 5′ high with our backs turned, and the kids below would catch us.  It was scary, yet invigorating because regardless of your personality, IQ, appearance or any other detail that seemed important at age 9, the person falling backwards was always caught.  Always.

Being the subject in a photoshoot is like the Trust Fall.  You have to trust in your photographer — their creative vision, their ideas, their ability to “see” what will work best for you.

This weekend’s Bay Area Lifestyle Photography session with The P Family, a first-time client, reminded me of the importance of trust.  Christy said verbatim, “You have to trust your photographer.”  (I love Christy!)

Per my suggestions, they placed baby Melanie on a dirt path, they removed her coat for part of the shoot, and they also took a stroll between bushes that divided a church and a PARKING AREA, just to name a few things.  They didn’t question me once… at least not audibly!  😉

Meet Christy, Richard and Melanie who did a Trust Fall with me…



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