To celebrate the joyous occasion of Michelle and Ken's wedding (btw, I've photographed Michelle when she was a kid! sniff), I've written this blog as a song!
Please sing this to the tune of "Jingle Bells"... (JUST DO IT! 😆)

[verse 1]
Dashing through the hall, in clothes of red and gold,
Michelle and Ken in love, a sight to behold.
Red envelopes are passed, with laughter and delight,
Bringing luck and love, on this special night.

Oh, joy and cheer, love is here, blessings fill the air,
At the tea ceremony, honoring the pair!
Oh, lobsters, fish, and noodles long, symbolize what's true,
Health, good fortune, wealth and joy, in every dish and view!

[verse 2]
Tea is poured with grace, elders take a sip,
Honoring Michelle and Ken, on this marriage trip.
Parents share a smile, pride in every glance,
As loved ones gather close, for a karaoke singing chance.

Okay, I'll spare y'all with only two verses, but I have more where that came from, if anyone wants to hear it! haha
Now check out some the gorgeous faces and fun I caught at this wedding reception!

Congratulations, Michelle and Ken, and wishing you a lifetime of love and laughter. xoxo