You probably know this, but I’ll say it anyway: I love photographing schools.
Photographing schools means capturing constant movement, facial expressions, and complicated light in an uninterrupted way. Photographing a masters program, like a business school, means there is an extra challenge of photographing adults. (Adults are usually more serious about learning and don’t find my silly noises and faces endearing like little kids – haha.)
I was reminded of something during this trip to Houston. When it’s a top-tier school, the caliber of students is high — which means photographing people who have led accomplished careers before even stepping foot onto campus! From meeting a doctor to a music label executive to an army sergeant, there were times I had to remind myself to keep shooting.
This kind of diversity was thrilling to be around, and I was so thankful that my 3-day Commercial Shoot in Houston had a lot of pockets of time for me to roam freely and capture the authentic moments that I saw.

[If you’re curious, here is my very first Commercial Shoot at Rice in 2016 and my 1-day shoot in 2017, Be Distinct.]