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Drawings by Melia

I know this is a photography blog, but I can’t resist showing off some of Melia’s drawings.  I think they’re so cute… I’m going to make t-shirts with some of them.

Second to talking (tee hee), 3-year old Melia’s favorite activity is drawing.  Here are some of my recent favorites…

A stripey cat


A Christmas tree


Santa on his sled, pulled by his reindeer.  Two reindeer have black noses and the first reindeer has a red nose (Rudolph)!  See the antlers?  The moon and the stars in the sky signify that it’s night time.  On the ground, there is also a Christmas tree and Santa’s bag filled with toys.


Melia drew this one just now.  It’s a drawing of her holding a purple flower (of course — purple is her favorite color) with a unicorn.  The tip of the horn sparkles like the sun.



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