Have you ever noticed how many LINES there are at the playground?
From years of shooting, I — regardless of whether I want to or not (haha) — notice lines, patterns, light and shadows wherever I go. If you see me checking my watch, it’s most likely because I am memorizing the time I should shoot in that location because I like the light! If you see me squatting down, it’s probably because I noticed that a lower perspective changes the lines of something I’m looking at, or I like the way the light hits something from that angle!
Sure, that’s a little wacky, but as one of my favorite cartoon characters would say: I yam who I yam!
That brings me to my periodic quick tip!
PHOTOGRAPHY TIP: Look out for lines. Embrace them in your photography. Once you really, truly notice them, find ways you can incorporate them into your photograph.
This can be at any location, but during a recent shoot, we stopped by the park’s playground for the last half hour or so. It was really fun to let the kids run around, and everywhere, I saw lines, patterns, and light.
Below are some examples.
