I love The Bossi bag sooooo much that I asked THEIT if I could give one away! (Thank you, Nicole!!!) I mean, how can I not share something sooooo beautiful?!!
This bag will cheer you up… be the statement piece to an outfit… AND keep your camera safe. How many bags can do all of that?!!
[If you haven’t read my review yet, please check it out. I have lots of photos of this beauty!]

Details to the “Hot Mama! The Bossi Bag Giveaway”:
* This Giveaway will end on OCTOBER 15, 2011 at 11:00pm PST.
* Each blog comment counts as one entry.
* You can have up to 3 entries per person. (See the rules below.) The 1st step is mandatory to enter.
* At the end of the Giveaway, I will choose ONE lucky winner randomly.
* I will contact the winner either via Facebook or the email address given in their blog comment. (It’ll be a surprise!)
* The prize: THEIT will give a $150 merchandise credit to the winner, so she (or he) can choose their favorite bag!!!
* THEIT will inform the winner of the details (and restrictions, if any) to using the merchandise credit.
* If the chosen commenter does not correctly enter the Giveaway, the entry is disqualified and a new winner will be chosen.

How to Enter:
1. Go to my Annie Tao Photography Facebook page, “Like” it, find this Giveaway post on the Wall and leave a comment. Tell me one thing you love about photography or why you want to win this bag (in the FB comment). Then come back to this blog post and tell me that you did this step. *THIS STEP IS MANDATORY TO ENTER
If you want to increase your odds of winning, here are more entry opportunities….
2. Go to the THEIT Facebook page and “Like it”. If you want, you can leave them some FB love on their Wall (optional). Then come back to this blog post and tell me you did this step.
3. Both Nicole, the Founder of THEIT, and I believe moms have one of the toughest “jobs” in the World, and they deserve to be stylish too! So this step is dedicated to all the moms! 🙂 Leave a comment in this blog post about being a mom (or about a mom that you know). It could be something funny (ie, “I wore 2 different shoes to the store after I had my baby, so please let me win this bag. I need it!”) or serious (ie, a parenting tip). [Please note: you do not have to be a mom to enter.]
[ADDITIONAL NOTE (10/1/11): Be sure you are making separate comments for each of these steps. Each blog comment is one entry! What I’m seeing is that some people are doing all 3 steps, but mistakenly enter only 1 comment. That will be considered 1 entry only, not 3 (even if you stated that you did all 3 steps in that comment). At the end of the Giveaway, I will choose a random number, which will determine the winner, so the more entries you have, the better your chances. Email me or write on my FB wall if you have any questions!]
Good luck!