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Little Stompers Preschool

Yesterday was my first time as a School Photographer!

Yep, I admit — Last year, I had someone propose this idea to me (a different school) and I turned it down because I didn’t think it was “artsy” enough.  My style is photojournalist/editorial and fine art, pretty much the opposite of look-at-me-and-smile kind of portrait photography.

But yesterday, I had soooooo much fun!  It could be because the kids were all awesome — all with different personalities and all adorable little preschoolers.  There were also 3 sets of twins who were so much fun to photograph!  It felt more like a bunch of mini-shoots rather than the infamous “school portraits”.  It could also be because I enjoyed the parents, the teacher, and Jalin (one of the sweetest girls I’ve ever met).

In case you were wondering, I didn’t make kids tilt their heads, point their chins, or angle their shoulders in unnatural positions, which seem to envelope my mind when I reflect back to my childhood school portrait days!  I made sure I had one more traditional portrait, then I let the kids show their personalities for other photos, if they wanted.

Here are a few of my favorites of these lovely young preschoolers…


I took photos of the students individually as well as siblings together.

Here are Sam and Mack, one of my three sets of twins.  They are stunning, aren’t they?!!


This is little Kina… cracking up!


Then it was Story Time with Mrs Louise reading one of her favorite books, War and Peace.  Just kidding.


I couldn’t show many photos of the school for privacy reasons.  If you’re a parent of a Little Stomper, please log into your gallery on my website for many many more photos.  Enjoy!


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