My newborn photography session this afternoon was of a little bunny, Sophia, who was born on December 13, 2011 at 2:28am.
Bunny Sophia

According to the Chinese Zodiac, Sophia is born in the Year of the Rabbit.

The Details
I love how gently newborns close their eyes… I guess it’s because they’re dreaming about warm milk and cuddles!

I also love baby shoulders and all their beautiful peach fuzz.

This baby feet shot is especially sweet because Sophia was stretching at the time, so it is a very active shot.
I framed the shot to include the side of the chair, but from the top-down view, it looks like she is leaping off the floor!

One Proud Papa

Laying Awake in Bed
Should we get her a magazine? Tee hee.
This shot is a great example of challenging your own vision. I envisioned this bed in front of the beautiful island in my client’s kitchen. Due to the angle I needed to take the shot and positioning of the window (aka, our light source), the shot wasn’t what I wanted, so I changed it up.
Jessica (the bunny’s mom) and I carefully moved the bed, so the light blanketed the front of Sophia and the shadow from the headboard was no longer on her face. Since she was not aligned with the kitchen’s island anymore, I shot from above. Oooh, mama like!
From this viewpoint, you can see the contrast of the soft bed and pudgy baby (look at those cheeks!!!!!) against the dark, hardwood floor.

THE BEST Christmas Present Ever

Holding On

A Grandma’s Touch
Just like the astrology dictates, babies born in the Year of the Rabbit are surrounded by friends and family.
Sophia would barely murmur and her Grandma would swiftly appear and soothe Sophia to sleep in a mere minute. (Where can I get one of these Grandmas with magic hands?!)
The combination of how Grandma is attentive to Sophia, Sophia’s obvious contentment, and the gorgeous window light make this shot especially serene.

Line Patterns
I love the line pattern on Grandma’s shirt and Sophia’s hair. I balanced the composition with a hint of mom looking over at her baby bunny.
