It was a sunny and surprisingly warm today… it was hard to believe it is still Winter!
My family and I spent the afternoon in Oakland.
We ate lunch at Fentons and of course had a banana split ice cream sundae! Then we strolled down Piedmont Ave.
I felt so artistically inspired today!
Now that we moved to the ‘burbs, I really miss the rawness of cities like Oakland (where we were today), Berkeley (where I went to College) and San Francisco (where I lived for 8+ years).
These are some images from my afternoon…

It was also my husband’s birthday celebration part deux! (It was actually on Thursday.) So he got to pick the sundae.
We are kind of a silly family (serious at times, but silly too!) So here we are goofing around…

When the server placed our sundae on the table, Ian, who never before showed any interest in ice cream, streeeeetched his arm as far as it would go in attempts to touch the ice cream. He managed to only get his little finger onto the plate! Poor guy.
We did let him eat ice cream, which, by the way, he devoured. I don’t even think he chewed!
(I think my husband eats ice cream that way too, so maybe this is some kind of hereditary disorder? tee hee.)
