OMG, what a morning! Here’s how it went….
7:15am Woke up with a jolt. I’m late! Gotta go!
7:30am Started driving. I had a photoshoot at 9am in the South Bay. I left my house early in case I ran into weekday traffic. Plus, I like arriving to new locations early, so I could explore it and also check lighting.
8:00am What traffic?!! Yep, good ol’ Murphy’s Law was at it again. (Ok, that AND it is the day before Thanksgiving!)
Ho hum. What to do…? For the next hour, I walked around the misty morning and breathed in the crisp cold air. The sky was overcast, perfect for portrait lighting. I eagerly awaited the hour to pass, took some photos, and then…
9:00am: Client calls. They’ll be 5 more minutes.
9:01am: Raindrops!
AHHHHHH! I’ve had bad weather on photoshoot days before, but usually it’s clear whether we need to reschedule or not. Today, I am ALREADY at the shoot and it begins to rain. Not one photo was taken. Clients arrived right as it started drizzling.
I ended up waiting at the clients’ house to see if the drizzle would pass, but the drizzle only turned into rain. *sigh*
Including the drive, this NON-photoshoot took 4 hours! It was unfortunate for my clients who both took the day off, for my husband who worked from home so I could do this photoshoot, and for me because, well, I… hmmm… actually, I didn’t mind it that much. I got to chat with Sandhya for an hour, play with her daughter’s toys in their livingroom, and explore a scenic area early in the morning.
Here are some photos I took before it started raining…

This tree bark had great textures and nice contrasts. It would make a cool desktop wallpaper.

This little squirrel ran around and taunted the ducks… Go ducks go!
