Lawrence and I told the doctor not to reveal the gender of our third baby when I was pregnant… but I already knew it was a girl. Or maybe it was because I prayed and prayed and hoped for one. SO BAD.
So when my third and last baby entered the World, and my doctor held her up and announced “It’s a girl” like what I’ve seen in movies my entire life, I cried. I cried the ugly cry, but no one, including myself, really cared at that point. I had a healthy, pink, perfect baby girl! She arrived 3 weeks early, but based on her already squishy baby face and body, you’d never know that.
I was so happy and loved her so much from that very second. When she was only 2 months old, we had regular moments where we’d lock gazes, giggle together, exchange smiles… and when she was an older baby, we ‘sang’ together in her quiet nursery before she’d sleep.
It is now nine years later, and Avie is still that person who makes me smile just by looking at her face. She still follows me around like the cutest shadow and thinks her mommy is the best, most important person ever. She makes sure I know this from her love notes and drawings whenever there is a piece of paper or foggy mirror. She is my own personal ray of sunshine, and I feel incredibly blessed.
Happy 9th birthday, Avie.
