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Sarah is 17 and will be a Senior in High School this Fall!  She has a sweet smile and was so fun to work with!

Here are some of my favorites from yesterday’s photoshoot…


I had Sarah sit on the table and I focused on her sneakers, which I thought were super cute!

In this photo, the mood is set by the flare beaming through the tall trees.  I used to avoid sun flare like the plague, but I’ve learned to use it to create a mood that wouldn’t otherwise be there. 


These (below) show off how model-thin she is and her long wavy hair.  I love these two photos because they have opposing perspectives — a view from below and a view from above — and that she is immersed by the natural surrounding.

I think an urban photoshoot would produce some great images with Sarah’s cool style.  Maybe next year for her Senior portraits!  🙂


My favorite of Sarah is below where she’s leaning against a wall of vines.

Once I spotted this wall, I knew it would provide for a great backdrop.  My teen model knew just what to do with little instruction!  She’s a natural!


Sarah was a real trooper.  I had her lay in the wet grass for this shot… and I do mean wet!  Sopping wet!  Ahhhh… all in the name of art!  🙂

I stood as tall as I possibly could to get “into” the willow tree, so I could get a perspective from the trees above.


Thanks, Sarah, for a great shooot!  I had a lot of fun!

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