I started writing this loooong blog post about why Mini Sessions don’t work, at least not for true Lifestyle Photography, but it became kinda, well, long. Even this sentence is long — DOH!
Plus I don’t want to sound like I’m poo-pooing Mini Sessions because it can work for some people, especially those who are great at posing subjects. It’s just not my style of photography or cup of tea. Hey, I’m actually sipping tea right now, but I digress. I’m like a puppy right now with my attention span. SQUIRREL! 😉
The point I am trying to make is: Make sure you have enough time to sink into joy.
Not everyone can arrive on-location feeling relaxed, gleeful and fun-loving, yet those are the photos most aspire to have. So make sure you have enough time to get to that emotional and physical space, and make sure the rest of your choices — clothing, location, activities — allows everyone to get there too. ❤️
