Since I’m on maternity leave (aka, no client photoshoots), I resort to taking photos of my own family. So if you’re sick of looking at my kids, well… sorry, but you’ll have to deal with it for another few weeks! 🙂
A couple days ago, I noticed the warm afternoon light was streaming in through our windows, and well, I couldn’t resist! It was so beautiful, and great images are all about the light!
So here are a few images of the tasty light!
Poppa Bear and Baby Bear
No, My House is Not on Fire!
The light streaming in was really thick. (What a strange word to describe light, eh?) And it created almost a smokey quality to the air.
By the way, if you’re wondering, my kids were dancing in the livingroom!
Late Afternoon vs Early Morning Kids Shoots
I usually recommend mornings for family and children shoots and reserve the afternoon for adults only shoots. So it is a rarity for me to get this yellow-orange glow on kids.
Wadjasay, Momma?
Ian did this puppy-dog-head-tilt thing when he asked a question – tee hee. My monkey is so cute.