We all hope our lives are sprinkled with such heartfelt moments that we cry the good tears. The I-can’t-believe-it’s-really-happening tears. The I-think-my-heart-is-going-to-burst tears.
Brooke and Emmy got married on June 11, 2014 in one of the most breathtaking buildings in the country. It was the perfect setting for a union of two beautiful souls.
I met Brooke and Emmy for the first time on their wedding day because they live in Ohio. Though we emailed each other a lot and spoke on the phone, it didn’t take me long to learn (and admire) that they are kind, intelligent and charismatic… that they are devoted to, in love with, and entirely respectful of each other… that they are grateful for the big and little things in their lives.
They are inspiring people who bring light and cause smiles wherever they go.
No exaggeration. That day, countless strangers — some while driving by — cheered and congratulated them. One couple offered to buy them a bottle of champagne and meal! You can’t help, but feel the love when you see them together.
Brooke and Emmy

You want to know how cool they are? They came prepared with pizza for the car ride!
As Brooke so eloquently put it, “Sharing pizza makes a happy marriage!” or something like that. I was laughing too hard and busy bracing myself in the car to remember exactly what went down. (Just kidding, Vance!) 🙂

Thank you, Brooke and Emmy, for letting me be a part of your special day — a day filled with laughter, love and “good tears”. xo, annie
Wedding venue: San Francisco City Hall
Restaurant: La Mar
Hair and makeup: Kim Carmichael and Anthony Genes of Follicle
Brooke’s dress: J. Crew
Emmy’s dress: J. Crew
Brooke’s shoes: Banana Republic
Emmy’s shoes: J. Crew
Brooke’s hairpin and bracelet: borrowed from Melody Wrenn, dear friend of couple
Photographer: Annie Tao