Yesterday’s commercial shoot was Part 3 for the Downtown Oakland’s YMCA.
(Click here to see my other YMCA shoots, Part 1 – Be Amazing or Part 2 – Got Air?)
Laura Henry, the Director of Marketing, and I wanted to capture images of as many children’s programs the Y had to offer. So here was our schedule:
11:00am Swimming
11:30am Youth Basketball
12:00pm Karate
1:00pm Hip Hop
1:30pm Indoor Soccer
It as quite an action-packed photoshoot! Here is a small sampling from yesterday’s commercial shoot…

Youth Basketball
Look at his expression — AWESOME, isn’t it?!!
And the motion blur of his hands show how fast he was dribbling that ball! This class was so fun to watch because some of these kids, including this boy, were incredible players!

I had to bite my tongue in this class because I wanted to blurt out, “Awwwwwww!” so many times!
These little ones were adorable in their uniforms and were so cute making their “fierce” karate faces!


Indoor Soccer
“Pick me! Pick me!”

The lil’ athletes…

Hard work and team spirit make some teammates bond…

This is seriously one of the funniest editorial photos I have ever taken! 🙂
This sweet little boy was the goalie during this practice game. Notice his interest in the game while his teammates run around him and the goal! It cracks me up every time I look at it!
(Note: This image shows how children his age have short attention spans. It is not a reflection of his athleticism.)

I was mighty impressed with the quality of the instructors at the Downtown Oakland’s YMCA! And I have now been there for 3 half-day shoots, all of which illustrated to me that the staff as well as members of the Y are friendly and warm. If I lived closer, I would undoubtedly join too.
It is more than a gym, but a community… a home away from home… the place to be!